More about Anita Russell Homepage – THE PLACE TO SOAR
Anita is passionate about personal transformation and doing BIG things—building community, inspiring
change, and giving back. She is dedicated to empowering people she encounters in everyday life through coaching, speaking, writing, leading, and networking—women business owners, professionals, experts, and creatives in particular. Her career and life experiences span multiple disciplines, including pharmaceutical R&D, learning and development, instructional design, Equity Diversity Inclusion, consulting, and nonprofit leadership
She is the Founder/CEO of The Place to SOAR LLC, a social enterprise dedicated to cultivating change through daily growth, personal transformation, and accountability for the purpose of unveiling human potential. Components of the SOAR Coaching System include individual and group coaching, personal and social impact masterminds; an Activism Through Coaching model; and InflexionPoint Podcast, a space for courage, conversation, relationship, and accountability in the journey towards antiracism activation. Most recently, she joined the On Call Faculty at the Center for Creative Leadership.