Kornelia Stephanie: A Messenger, a divine channel for source energy Home – Kornelia Stephanie
She has volunteered to come back to earth to establish a new foundation for a new consciousness for the human race. She is a gifted, intuitive-energy guide, pioneering the land of the new. Kornelia’s work is about building universal wholeness for the planet. She is passionate about humanity’s sovereignty, about maintaining authority over one’s own life as empowered creation. Founder of Empower Network, she empowers people on the path to self-healing, peace, and liberation. She teaches people to embrace their humanity, offering simple, practical tools about how to live, how to heal their lives. Kornelia’s leadership in co-creating the new paradigm with her vibrant online community, engages people around the world to co-create their own universe, their heaven-on-earth, standing for peace on earth through daily practical online messages on how to live in the new world being their own authority. She is a passionate speaker and the author of the book “Peace, the Flip Side To Anger”. She travels the world modeling and speaking about peace as an inside job. Invite Kornelia to come and speak to your audience. They will be offered a chance to reshape their lives by her powerful call to action with her 21-day peace practice and her focus on the 3 top ways for creating inner peace and claiming power in the midst of turmoil.